Budget 2020 Care and Support – Cash to be paid from 18 June 2020
04 Jun 2020
As part of the Unity and Resilience Budgets, the Care and Support Package helps provide more assurance and support to over 2.8 million Singaporeans who may be concerned about household expenses during this period of economic uncertainty.
Eligible Singaporeans will receive the Care and Support – Cash payment of $600 or $300 from 18 June 2020. From 4 June 2020, citizens can view the amount that they will be receiving at https://go.gov.sg/csp2020.
Care and Support – Cash
2. The Care and Support – Cash that eligible Singaporeans will receive this year is $900, $600, or $300, depending on one’s Assessable Income (AI) for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2019. Of this amount, $300 was
paid in April 2020, as part of the $600 Solidarity Payment. Table 1 provides the breakdown. The remaining amount will be paid from 18 June 2020.
3. In addition, parents
with at least one Singaporean child aged 20 and below in 2020 will each receive an extra $300. Singaporeans aged 50 and above in 2020 will each receive an extra $100 cash, in place of the earlier announced PAssion Card top-up, given the need for safe
distancing during this period.
Table 1: Care and Support – Cash and $100 cash for PAssion Card Top-up
Assessable Income (AI) for |
$0 to $28,000 |
$28,001 to $100,000 |
More than $100,000 |
For all Singaporean adults, aged 21 and above in 2020
Care and Support – Cash |
$900 |
$600 |
$300 |
Solidarity Payment [Paid in April] |
$600 (First $300 of the Care and Support – Cash was paid out in April) |
Remaining [Paid from 18 Jun] |
$600 |
$300 |
$0 |
For parents[1] |
Care and Support – Cash (Parents) [Paid from 18 Jun] |
$300 |
For Singaporeans aged 50 and above in 2020 |
PAssion Card Top-up in cash [Paid from 18 Jun] |
$100 |
[1] Refers to Singaporean parents with at least one Singaporean child aged 20 and below in 2020. Each eligible parent will receive $300.
Payment via PayNow-NRIC
4. The Care and Support – Cash will be paid via PayNow (NRIC), to enable citizens to receive government payouts via direct bank crediting, in a fast and convenient manner.
Citizens who have yet to register their NRIC with PayNow can do so via their bank’s mobile banking application or Internet banking platform by 11 June 2020.
5. Citizens who do not have PayNow linked to their
NRIC by 11 June 2020 but have previously provided their bank account details for receiving government payouts, such as the Solidarity Payment, will receive the Care and Support – Cash on 25 June via direct bank crediting. They may update
their bank account details for receiving government payouts at https://go.gov.sg/csp2020 by 17 June 2020.
6. The rest will receive the
Care and Support – Cash in stages via cheque. Table 2 summarises the payment dates.
Table 2: Payment Dates
Payment Mode |
Payment Credit Date
Action Required of Citizens |
PayNow linked to NRIC |
On 18 June 2020 (Thursday) |
Register your NRIC with PayNow with your bank by 11 June 2020 (Thursday).
Information on PayNow is at Annex A ( |
Direct Bank Crediting |
On 25 June 2020 (Thursday) |
You will receive your Care and Support – Cash directly in the same bank account in which you received the Solidarity Payment in April 2020. If you have changed your bank account since then, please update your details at the Care and Support Package website (https://go.gov.sg/csp2020) by 17 June 2020. |
Cheque |
Between 30 June 2020 (Tuesday) and 9 July 2020 (Thursday) |
To receive your payment earlier, you are strongly encouraged to (i) register your NRIC on PayNow with your bank; or (ii) provide your bank account details at the Care and Support Package website (https://go.gov.sg/csp2020) by 17 June 2020. |
Donating the Care and Support – Cash Payout
7. Citizens who wish to donate the Care and Support – Cash payout to help others in need can do so at Giving.sg.
More Information
8. More information on the Care and Support – Cash is available at the Care and Support Package website (https://go.gov.sg/csp2020). Those with further queries may also call 1800-2222-888 or submit your queries at https://go.gov.sg/csp2020.
9. To protect your privacy, we will not be able to respond to queries of an individual nature (e.g. queries on bank account details) received through other channels. We remind everyone to be vigilant against scammers pretending to
be government officials. The government does not ask for bank account details over the phone or via email.
Issued by:
Ministry of Finance
4 June 2020
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