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Personal Income Tax

It is the Government’s policy to keep our Personal Income Tax regime competitive and progressive. This encourages employment, innovation and enterprise, while ensuring that higher-income earners pay higher taxes.


What are the Personal Income Tax rates?

The amount of Personal Income Tax payable depends on the amount of income earned in the year and the amount of tax deduction, tax reliefs and tax rebates applicable in each individual case.

Please refer to IRAS’ website for the prevailing Personal Income Tax rate structure and other details on Personal Income Tax.


What Personal Income Tax reliefs and rebates are available?

The various Personal Income Tax reliefs are in line with our social objectives, such as taking care of elderly parents and saving for retirement. The tax reliefs can reduce one’s taxable income. There is also the Parenthood Tax Rebate, which is given to encourage the  birth of Singaporean children after marriage.

Please refer to IRAS’ website for more details.


What is the Personal Income Tax relief cap and how does it work?

The Personal Income Tax relief cap serves to keep our tax system progressive. It puts an overall cap on the amount of tax reliefs that an individual can claim at $80,000 per Year of Assessment.


Does the Personal Income Tax relief cap apply to donations?

The tax relief cap does not apply to tax deduction for donations, as this is not a Personal Income Tax relief.