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Guide for Respondents

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The following steps are intended to give Respondents (i.e. parties who have been served with a copy of an Application) an overview of the proceedings before a Valuation Review Panel (“VRP”):

Step 1Receiving the Applicant’s Application
Step 2Preparing the necessary information and supporting documents prior to Response
Step 3Lodging the Response
Step 4Receiving the Applicant’s Reply (if the Applicant chooses to lodge one)
Step 5Complying with directions from the VRP
Step 6Attending a hearing (only if the VRP considers it necessary)
Step 7Receiving the VRP’s determination



The above steps are intended as a guide for responding to an Application to a VRP. This does not mean that all proceedings before a VRP will progress in the same way. A VRP has the power to direct proceedings as it thinks fit, and to summarily dismiss an Application at any stage of the proceedings in certain situations (e.g. if it considers that the Application discloses no valid grounds of dispute, or if the Applicant is not a person entitled to lodge an Application under section 30(2) of the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act). In addition, please note that parties to an Application who are able to agree on terms to settle all or any part of the proceedings may at any stage request the VRP to make a consent order—although the VRP retains the discretion to refuse or vary such settlement terms.

Please note: This guide seeks to outline the steps potential Respondents need to take, in a clear and simple manner. It does not have the force of law. If you wish to refer to the relevant legislative provisions, please see the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Valuation Review Panel) Regulations 2020.