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Opening Speech by Ms Indranee Rajah, Second Minister for Finance at 'Prismatic Women’ International Women's Day Celebration by LISHA Women's Wing on 19 March 2022

19 Mar 2022

  1. Good evening. I am very happy to come for LISHA Women’s Wing events. I was there when it all started and I was very happy to accept the invitation when you first launched. LISHA Women’s Wing has come from strength to strength, and I would like you to give yourselves a big hand. I am honoured to be part of yet another milestone in LISHA Women’s Wing’s journey, as we commemorate International Women’s Day and, as you have just seen, launch LISHA’s 10th anniversary logo.

International Women’s Day and Achievements of LWW

  1. International Women’s Day falls on the 8th of March each year. While most formal celebrations for the event may have passed, we continue to celebrate women here – our mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and colleagues, all of whom have shaped our homes, schools, workplaces and communities, even amidst the challenges and uncertainties that have come with the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  2. Gender bias, whether deliberate or unconscious, often creates challenges and obstacles for women to succeed. This year’s theme for International Women’s Day – “Break The Bias” – seeks to empower both women and men alike, to challenge bias, stereotypes and discrimination, in our communities and workplaces.  

  3. International Women’s Day also presents a chance for us to highlight and celebrate the achievements and contributions of women, as well as the efforts to collectively support, protect and uplift women. 

  4. Over the past 10 years, LISHA Women’s Wing has played an important role in empowering women from all backgrounds and especially so in the business sector. You are all an inspiration to other women. You have provided a platform for women to come together – to network, collaborate, exchange ideas, and above all, to be inspired and inspire others. I am happy to know that this platform has grown, even during the pandemic, with bonding and knowledge-sharing sessions. 

  5. I am also proud of LISHA Women’s Wing for being a valued contributor to the community, and how you have also worked hard to promote cultural awareness. In January this year, the LISHA team organised a successful Pongal learning experience for students at Little India, in collaboration with the Indian Heritage Centre. The LISHA team also held the Deepavali Kajana Hunt just last October for participants to learn more about Little India, the Indian culture and Deepavali.

  6. As we celebrate women and the good work that LISHA Women’s Wing has achieved, I would also like to take this opportunity to remind all of us to stay healthy and please do take good care of yourselves. Many of us juggle different roles and responsibilities, whether it is family or work, so do remember, to take some time out for yourselves, so that you can re-charge and participate in activities that you enjoy. Today’s panel discussion on “Work-Life Balance” is going to be very useful, and I am looking forward to the panel discussion later.

  7. In closing, let me once again congratulate the LISHA Women’s Wing for a successful decade of women empowerment. I am honoured to have been a part of LISHA Women’s Wing’s journey since your inception in 2012. 

  8.  I look forward to LISHA Women’s Wing continuing to be a community that supports, inspires, and empowers all women, and to be a network of support that celebrates the achievements and success of women. I look forward to your next chapter of achievements. Thank you very much.