Opening Address by Ms Indranee Rajah, Second Minister for Finance at the 'Women Creating Change' International Women's Day Celebration by Breast Cancer Foundation on 25 March 2022
25 Mar 2022His Excellency Mario Andrea Vattani,
Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ms Jessica Tan,
Breast Cancer Foundation President Ms Staphnie Tang,
BCF Executive Committee,
our BCF SHEROes,
and Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very happy to be part of today’s event, to celebrate International Women’s Day. Earlier this year, I attended the opening of the Breast Cancer Centre, which is a significant milestone for the BCF, made possible only by the support from BCF’s partners, and contributions from the community, including women who stepped forward to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer.
For this year’s International Women’s Day, 25 women supported the cause through the #WomenCreatingChange campaign. We proudly call these powerful and inspiring women our BCF SHEROes, women who create change. Today, I am happy to celebrate International Women’s Day with all of you.
Women Creating Change
Our SHEROes have a mix of wide range of skills and background, they are entrepreneurs, industry leaders, nurturers, and accomplished women in their own right.
To each and every one of our 25 SHEROes: You have in your own unique way, raised awareness and funds for the breast cancer cause. These include selling hand-made items, donating a portion of your business’ proceeds, conducting workshops and webinars, to walking the circumference of Singapore, and many more.
Your hard work for the campaign must have begun months before the annual global day of celebration on 8 March, and your dedication will go a long way in providing programmes for the breast cancer community, and in advocating for the early detection of breast cancer to save lives. I am heartened to learn that some of you continue to champion the cause beyond the campaign, and that you will be adopting BCF as your charity for the rest of 2022.
I applaud and thank you for your enthusiastic support. Please give them a big hand everyone.
Supporting the Breast Cancer Community
BCF’s mission is to advocate for early detection and support for our breast cancer community. We can only do this with committed partners, supporters and volunteers who walk with us to pave the way.
It truly takes a village to rally together to support our breast cancer community, and to support BCF’s work to save lives.
This celebration is dedicated to all of you – our champions and advocates. Enjoy the evening, and we hope to continue working with you to serve our breast cancer community for many years to come. Thank you very much.