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Speech by Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister of State for Finance and Transport on the Motion for Civil List and Pension Act, Parliament House, 22 Jan 2008

23 Jan 2008

Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move the motion standing in the name of the Minister for Finance under item No 6 in the Order Paper.

2. Sir, for FY2007, I propose a revised provision for Class I expenditure of $4,095,300, which is $1,298,000 higher than budgeted, and for Class II expenditure of $3,547,700, or $823,300 higher than budgeted, due mainly to the salary increments, salary adjustments and higher bonuses for the Privy Purse and staff.

3. For Class III expenditure, I propose a revised provision of $1,282,400 or $19,100 lower than budgeted, and for Class IV expenditure, of $74,400 which is $9,900 higher than budgeted, to better reflect the expenditure related to the expenses and services of the Household.

4. It is therefore necessary to vary the provisions in the Schedule to the Civil List and Pension Act (Chapter 44) as indicated in the Motion before the House.

Sir, I beg to move.