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Speech By Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Minister For Finance At The SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 2009 (North & North East Zone), 1 July 2009, 11.30am At Orchid Country Club

01 Jul 2009


Good morning Ladies and gentlemen,

1. We are gathered here today for a simple but significant occasion ? the SAF Rededication ceremony where we in a simple manner renew our pledge of allegiance and loyalty to our country. We are also here to reflect on the importance of a strong national defence, as well as the need for National Service, and for every one of us to stand together to defend Singapore.

2. The strong turnout of National Servicemen and employers on this SAF Day is testament to your unflagging commitment to the defence and security of Singapore. You are here because you believe in Singapore, and you will do your part to defend your country.

Contributions by NSmen

3. The mission of the SAF is to deter threats and should deterrence fail, achieve a swift and decisive victory. The foundation of security that the SAF provides also enables Singapore to progress and develop. This is made possible by the National Servicemen, who stand shoulder to shoulder with the Regulars regardless of rank, vocation, or service.

4. National Servicemen form the bulk of the SAF. You go for in-camp training each year to enhance your operational readiness. You dedicate yourselves to training hard to perform the role entrusted to you. You sacrifice time with your family to answer the call of duty to guard our shores, our seas and our skies. As the SAF continues to build its 3rd Generation capabilities, the commitment of our National Servicemen is crucial to a strong SAF. It is the fighting spirit of each and every one of you that determines how potent and credible the SAF is. Because of this spirit, no one doubts the SAF's capabilities and its determination to fight and prevail against any threats to our peace.

5. The support from employers and family members for National Service underpins its success. During these difficult economic times, this support becomes even more important.