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Press Releases

Take Part in the Budget 2023 Quiz!

16 Jan 2023

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has launched its 13th Budget Quiz on Monday, 16 January 2023. Members of the public can participate in the quiz from now to Friday, 3 February 2023, on MOF’ Budget Website at

2.         The Budget Quiz is conducted annually ahead of the Budget Statement, which will be delivered by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr Lawrence Wong, on Tuesday, 14 February 2023. This quiz aims to enhance public understanding and awareness of the Budget process and key national policies.

3.         There are two participation categories – the Open Category for the general public, and the Student Category for students in: i) Secondary Schools, ii) Junior Colleges/ Centralised Institutes, and iii) Polytechnics/ Institutes of Technical Education/ Autonomous Universities.

4.         Participants who complete the quiz and register with their particulars will stand a chance to win prizes. Schools with the highest participation under each sub-category will also be awarded prizes. Winners will be announced on Friday, 10 February 2023, on MOF’s Budget Website. They will also be notified via email.

Subscribe to the Budget Statement

5.         Members of the public may visit MOF’s website or MOF’s Budget Website to subscribe to the Budget Statement mailing list, as well as to access the delivered Budget Statement and other Budget-related materials.

6.         The public may also follow MOF’s social media platforms[1] to access the latest Budget announcements on their mobile devices.

Issued by:
Ministry of Finance
16 January 2023

[1] The social media platforms include, and The public can also receive updates on Budget 2023 via MOF’s telegram channel at