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MOF Invites Feedback on Budget 2019

02 Dec 2018

The Ministry of Finance is seeking views and suggestions from Singaporeans in preparation for Budget 2019, which is scheduled to be delivered next February. Individuals, households, and businesses are welcome to provide feedback on topics such as how our businesses can be more innovative and competitive, how citizens can play a part to strengthen community resilience, as well as how we can continue to care for and support one another. 

2          MOF’s Budget website ( is now online as well for the public to access the latest updates on Budget 2019, as well as general information on the Singapore national budget process.

Budget 2019 Feedback

3          The Singapore Budget represents a strategic financial plan for the country’s future. Singaporeans are invited to provide views on the Budget through various channels. Starting from Monday, 3 December 2018, the public can visit the REACH Budget 2019 microsite ( to submit their views. The six-week feedback exercise will conclude on Friday, 11 January 2019. (The feedback topics can be found in the Annex.)

4          During the feedback period, REACH will hold six Listening Points across Singapore to gather views and suggestions for Budget 2019. These Listening Points are easily accessible, open booths for Singaporeans to give their feedback in person. Details of the Listening Points are below:

Date & Time


6 Dec 2018 (Thu)
11.30am – 2.30pm

The URA Centre

9 Dec 2018 (Sun)
10.00am – 1.00pm

Our Tampines Hub

11 Dec 2018 (Tue)
11.30am – 2.30pm

Market Street Interim Hawker Centre

15 Dec 2018 (Sat)
5.00pm – 8.00pm

Sun Plaza

8 Jan 2019 (Tue)
11.30am – 2.30pm

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

10 Jan 2019 (Thu)
11.30am – 2.30pm

Singapore Management University


5          REACH will also organise a Pre-Budget 2019 Dialogue, to be held on Thursday evening, 6 December 2018, involving members of the public. This dialogue will be hosted by Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and Education. REACH Chairman, Mr Sam Tan, who is also the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Social and Family Development, will co-host the dialogue.

6          In addition, Singaporeans can give their views and suggestions for Budget 2019 via any of the following channels:

Feedback Channel Contact Details

Singapore Budget Website

REACH Budget microsite

REACH Singapore Facebook

REACH Singapore Twitter

Use the hashtag, #SGBudget2019

REACH Email Address

REACH Toll-Free Hotline

1800-353-5555 (Mon to Fri, 8:30am – 5:45pm)


9-SPEAK-UP (9-77325-87)


Building Singapore Together

7          “In this coming Bicentennial year, Budget 2019 provides us with the chance to review Singapore’s progress and to chart our collective plans for the future”, said Minister for Finance Mr Heng Swee Keat.

8         Minister Heng added:

“We have invested consistently over the years in key areas such as education, healthcare, security, and infrastructure. This allows Singaporeans to enjoy a higher quality of life, in a safe and secure environment. We have enhanced government support for different groups, and strengthened community networks to better care for one another.

With rapid technological advancements and disruptions, we must continue to innovate and transform our economy. At the same time, we need to equip Singaporeans with relevant skills, so that we can all progress together, and also strengthen our sense of community.

We all have a part to play to bring about change and to build the Singapore we want. I welcome all Singaporeans to join in this conversation and create a better future together.”


Issued by
Ministry of Finance and REACH
2 December 2018

Annex A: Budget 2019 Feedback Themes & Questions


Ageing, Healthcare

In recent years, the Government has increased its expenditure on healthcare to meet the people’s growing needs. This includes building more healthcare facilities to bring healthcare services within closer reach of Singaporeans, as well as increasing subsidies and introducing MediShield Life to improve healthcare affordability.

How can we help our seniors to receive affordable care in the community? What are some ways that the private sector and our society can partner the Government to encourage a healthier lifestyle for all?


Support for Families

The Government has increased spending on pre-school programmes, such as introducing KidSTART and other special education programmes, in order to give our children a good start in life.

What other early support might be needed to create a conducive environment for children from lower income or vulnerable families? In what other areas can the Government work with the community to support these families?



Innovation can help our firms gain a long-term competitive edge. It can come in various forms, such as business model innovation, process innovation, or product innovation.

What can companies and workers do to become more innovative?

How can the Government and our society better support firms and individuals to become more innovative?


Security and External Relations

How can citizens partner the Government to ensure domestic security and strengthen community resilience? Apart from the existing avenues, such as the SAF Volunteer Corps, SGSecure national movement, and SCDF’s Community First Responders, are there other forms of partnership which the Government can look into?


Philanthropy and Volunteerism

Over the years, the Government has introduced various schemes to encourage a culture of giving.

For instance, we have a dollar-for-dollar matching grant for donations to the Empowering for Life Fund, a higher Community Development Councils (CDC) matching grant cap, 250% tax deduction for qualifying donations, the Business and IPC Partnership Scheme, and the SHARE as One matching grant.

All of us have a part to play in building a caring and inclusive society. To create a more meaningful and sustainable partnership, how can we:

  1. Be more inclusive and encourage more people to volunteer or give?
  2. Better reach out and deliver services to those in need?
  3. Partner NGOs and companies to work out solutions to pressing problems and to fulfil needs of those who need more help?