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Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong to visit the United States of America and attend G20, FATF and World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings

16 Apr 2022

              Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong, will be in Washington D.C. and New York City from 16-25 April 2022 to meet members of the US Administration, and to attend the World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings as well as the Second Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting (FMCBG) under the 2022 G20 Indonesian Presidency.

2            The FMCBG will discuss issues such as the state of the global economy; pandemic preparedness, prevention and response, and the development of sustainable finance, including policies to transition towards a greener and low-carbon future.

3            Minister Wong has been invited to speak on Monday, 18 April 2022 at the Peterson Institute for International Economics’ Macro Week, which is a series of discussions among prominent finance ministers and central bankers from around the world. More information can be found at

4            Minister Wong will also attend the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Ministerial Meeting held on Thursday, 21 April 2022. At the Meeting, Ministers will review the FATF’s progress since it adopted its open-Mandate in 2019 and adopt a FATF Ministerial declaration that will set the strategic direction for FATF from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2024. Singapore will assume the FATF Presidency from 1 July 2022.

5            During his trip, Minister Wong will take the opportunity to meet private sector business leaders and Singaporeans based in New York City. Minister Wong will be accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Issued by:
Ministry of Finance Singapore
16 April 2022