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Press Releases

eGov2015: Connecting People. Enriching Lives

20 Jun 2011

Singapore today launched its next e-government masterplan (eGov2015). eGov2015 seeks to bring integration of systems, processes and service delivery from within the Government to beyond the Government.  The vision of eGov 2015 is to be a Collaborative Government that Co-creates and Connects with our People. The masterplan will guide government agencies in the implementation of new ICT programmes in the next five years.

2. Developed with inputs from the people, private and public sectors, eGov2015 builds on the success of previous e-Government plans. Today, Singapore is recognized by international benchmarking studies such as the World Economic Forum's Global IT Report and the Waseda University e-Government Ranking. Singapore's eGovernment projects have also been conferred international awards which includes the Stockholm Challenge Award and the UN Public Service Award.  More importantly, citizens and businesses have embraced e-government, with 84 per cent of citizens having transacted electronically with the Government in 2010. See Annex A (icon_pdf118 KB) for highlights of the key achievements under the iGov2010 masterplan.

3. To achieve the vision of a Collaborative Government, the new masterplan will focus on three strategic areas:

  • Co-creating for Greater Value
  • Connecting for Active Participation
  • Catalysing Whole-of-Government Transformation

Co-creating for Greater Value

4. The Government will continue to leverage technological advancements to enhance the delivery of public services. In the next few years, citizens can expect new public services that will bring about greater convenience and improve customer experience when they transact with the Government. At the same time, the Government will also develop platforms to enable the private sector to co-create with the Government and offer new value-added services to the public.

5. Two new public services – and mGov@SG – were launched today.

6. is Singapore's first-stop portal for access to publicly available government data. Users will be able to access more than 5,000 publicly available datasets from more than 50 public agencies, download datasets for research purposes and to create applications, as well as to search for applications that use government data. See Annex B (icon_pdf339 KB) for more information on

7. Riding on the successful implementation of mobile government services (m-services), the Government hopes to catalyse the development of more feature-rich and innovative m-services to meet the growing needs of our increasingly mobile population.  From mGov@SG, individuals and businesses can easily search for, identify and access government m-services that can be used on their specific device. See Annex C (icon_pdf203 KB) for more information on mGov@SG.

Connecting for Active Participation

8. Singaporeans use social media sites extensively. In response to changes in the way citizens consume news and express their views, a number of government agencies have launched their own social media platforms in recent years to engage citizens.

9. Under eGov2015, the Government hopes to widen and deepen the e-engagement efforts and experiment with new ways to tap on the wisdom and resources of netizens. The programmes will include efforts to increase awareness and participation in public consultation exercises. Citizens will be invited and informed of the latest consultation topics via alerts sent out through mobile and social media apps. The Government will also explore new platforms for engaging citizens, such as crowdsourcing tools for ideas and initiatives. These initiatives will be supported by a plan to enhance public officers' capabilities in using new media tools to engage the public. See Annex D (icon_pdf139 KB) for more information Enhanced eConsultation and New E-Engagement Platforms.

Catalysing Whole-of-Government Transformation

10. This last strategic area will focus on transforming the public sector infrastructure and build relevant capabilities among public officers. The programmes include building a next generation whole-of-government ICT infrastructure to enhance cross-agency collaboration and to support new programmes that will be rolled out as part of eGov2015. For example, the Government will establish a private cloud (G-Cloud) to offer shared services in a secure and multi-tenanted environment. See  Annex E (icon_pdf86 KB) for more information on G-Cloud.

11. The eGov2015 Masterplan will evolve to respond to socio-economic and technology changes over the next five years. For more information on eGov2015, please visit

