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Press Releases

Slight Delay In 'Grow & Share' Package Cheques For A Few Singaporeans

03 May 2011

         Slight Delay in 'Grow & Share' Package cheques for a few Singaporeans 2.4 million Singaporeans have received their Growth Dividend and CPF Medisave top-ups by 1 May 2011. A small number of Singaporeans who opted to receive their Growth Dividends by cheque have given feedback that they have not received them.

2.      This is part and parcel of the postage process, as some letters may have been misdirected. We estimate that less than 750 Singaporeans (or less than 0.03% of all recipients) may be affected.

3.      Singaporeans who do not receive their payments by 3 May 2011 can visit the website or call 1800 2222 888.

Ministry of Finance
2 May 2011