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Singapore Public Sector Outcomes Review (SPOR) 2012

26 Dec 2012

A whole-of-government review of how Singapore has fared in key areas of national interest

The Ministry of Finance has released the second issue of the Singapore Public Sector Outcomes Review (SPOR). Published once every two years, SPOR provides a perspective on how the public sector and Singapore have fared in a broad range of areas of national interest.

2. This issue of SPOR gives an update of progress across the whole-of-government in recent years, including the past year. While we have done well in a number of areas such as improving healthcare outcomes, broadening educational pathways and strengthening international relations, there are also key challenges and concerns facing Singapore and Singaporeans. SPOR 2012 highlights how public agencies are working together to address these challenges. These include efforts to expand the housing and transport infrastructure, as well as initiatives to address longer-term challenges such as sustaining real income growth. 

3. SPOR 2012 is organised into six broad themes, each introduced by a preamble which summarises key trends and developments. The six themes are:

i) sustaining economic growth;
ii) growing incomes and strengthening social security;
iii) fostering strong families and a cohesive society;
iv) providing world-class infrastructure and an endearing home;
v) building a secure and influential Singapore; and
vi) ensuring an effective government. 

4. The following are among the trends highlighted in SPOR 2012:

i) real growth in household incomes over the past five years despite higher inflation;
ii) fall in the crime rate to a 20-year low in 2011, although the recidivism rate has been creeping up;
iii) fall in public transport satisfaction over the last two years;
iv) steep decline in the total fertility rate over the past decade;
v) more than doubling of the national volunteerism rate  between 2000 and 2010; and
vi) three-fold increase in the volume of feedback received by REACH over the past five years to over 60,000 submissions this year.

5. The SPOR is prepared by the Ministry of Finance with inputs from all Ministries. It is hoped that by providing a perspective of current and emerging policy issues, this report will contribute to the ongoing discourse on Singapore’s future. 

6. The full report is available at 

26 DECEMBER 2012