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Press Releases

Singapore's e-Government on the Next Lap with iGov2010

30 May 2006

S$2 billion Masterplan on integrating government

Riding on the success of the previous two e-Government Action Plans, the Singapore Government is embarking on the next lap of its journey in e-Government.

2. Under the three-year e-Government Action Plan II (eGAPII) launched in 2003, user-friendly, accessible and convenient e-services have been delivered to citizens and businesses. Based on the annual e-Government Customer Perception Survey conducted in March 2006, nearly nine out of ten customers who needed to transact with the Government in the past 12 months had done so electronically at least once. Of those who transacted electronically, about nine out of ten expressed satisfaction with the overall quality of e-services delivered. See Annex A for results on e-Government Customer Perception Survey.

3. Building on the achievements of eGAPII, a new S$2 billion five-year masterplan, called iGov2010, has been mapped out to guide Singapore's latest direction in e-Government. The plan was unveiled today by Minister for Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Finance and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Raymond Lim at the annual iGov Forum. "Under iGov2010 we will invest S$2 billion to transform backend processing to achieve front-end efficiency and effectiveness. The principle to think "Customer" and "start with the user in mind" in everything we do remains the same in iGov2010. Rather, what is new is the strengthened focus and emphasis on transcending organisational structures, changing rules and procedures, to reorganise and integrate the government around customers' and citizens' needs and intentions," said Mr. Lim.

4. iGov2010 is developed in consultation with the people, private and public sectors. It comprises four strategic thrusts, namely `Increasing Reach and Richness of e-Services; `Increasing Citizens' Mindshare in e-Engagement'; `Enhancing Capacity and Synergy in Government'; and `Enhancing National Competitive Advantage'. See Annex B for a diagrammatic framework of iGov2010.

Thrust 1: Increasing Reach and Richness of e-Services

5. Since eGAPII, all government services that can be placed online are already available via the internet. To make Government e-services more accessible to a larger population and open opportunities to deliver innovative services not possible before, the Government will ride on Singapore's high mobile penetration to deliver services via the mobile channel. A single Short Message Service (SMS) number will be adopted for all government services delivered through the mobile channel to bring about greater convenience. In addition, greater emphasis will be placed on gaining insights into customers' needs and preferences, so that more proactive, responsive, user-friendly and integrated e-services will be delivered. In an effort to extend the reach of e-services to citizens who have no Internet access or who require help in transacting online, CitizenConnect Centres at Community Clubs will be expanded from the current five to a network of 25 CitizenConnect centres.

Thrust 2: Increasing Citizens' Mindshare in e-Engagement

6. In eGAPII, the focus was on e-service delivery and consultation. Under iGov2010, the Government will actively engage citizens in the policy-making process and further strengthen its relationship with citizens by leveraging on infocomm technologies. Information on Government websites will be made more interesting, vibrant and easier to understand. The Government Online Consultation Portal will also be enhanced to tailor to the needs of different users groups more effectively.

Thrust 3: Enhancing Capacity and Synergy in Government

7. Public agencies have worked together as a Networked Government under eGAPII to deliver integrated e-services through a common front for customers. Under iGov2010, the Government is taking one step further to transform its business and operating models. This will make the Government more agile and efficient in its utilisation of resources, thereby achieving a higher level of service delivery. For example, the Centre for Shared Services - set up under the Ministry of Finance, will enable public agencies to work together to streamline common functions and integrate backend processes such as in Human Resource and Finance to improve business operations.

8. Greater efficiency will also be created in the Government through the implementation of a Unique Establishment Identifier (UEI) for establishments in Singapore, which include companies, businesses, societies, and non-profit organisations etc. Having a UEI for establishments in Singapore, similar to the NRIC number for individuals, will reduce the number of identifiers that establishments have to use. A UEI will provide a common means of identifying establishments across public agencies, enabling them to share basic non-confidential information on establishments more effectively to deliver better and more personalised services. See Annex C for factsheet on UEI.

Thrust 4: Enhancing National Competitive Advantage

9. To enhance national competitive advantage, the Government will continue to facilitate the growth of the private sector through partnerships in innovative infocomm projects. Public agencies will collaborate with the infocomm industry in the co-creation, development and export of iGov solutions. In addition, the Government will allow relevant intellectual ownership to be retained by infocomm companies in Singapore to enhance business and solution export opportunities.

10. Public agencies have also played an active role in supporting the transformation of industry sectors through infocomm. For example, TradeXchange, a project by Singapore Customs, Economic Development Board and IDA Singapore aims to transform t