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Press Releases

Sign Up For Growth Dividends And 2008 GST Credits By 31 December

01 Dec 2008

Singaporeans who have not signed up for their Growth Dividends and 2008 GST Credits have one month left to do so, by 31 December 2008. Those who do not sign up by this deadline will not be eligible to receive their Growth Dividends or 2008 GST Credits and Senior Citizens' Bonus.

2. The Government would like to urge Singaporeans who have not signed up to do so quickly.

Sign-Up Via Internet or Forms

3. As of 17 November 2008, over 2.31 million or 97% of the 2.39 million eligible Singaporeans have signed up to receive their Growth Dividends and GST Credits. The Ministry of Finance would like to thank grassroots leaders for their outreach efforts to help elderly and low-income Singaporeans do so.

4. Singaporeans who have not signed up can do so in two ways;

a) through the internet, at

b) by completing the GST/1 form available at any Community Centres, Community Development Council offices and CPF Service Centres. All forms should reach the CPF Board no later than 31 December 2008.

5. Those who do not sign up by 31 December 2008 will still be eligible for future GST Credits, but there will be no retrospective payment of Growth Dividends or the 2008 GST Credits and Senior Citizens' Bonus.

6. To find out more about Growth Dividends and GST Credits, including your sign-up status, please visit or call 1800-2222-888.