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Pioneers to get MediSave Top-Ups from July

15 Jun 2014

Members of the Pioneer Generation will receive letters from the Government starting this week, informing them of the lifetime benefits that they will receive from the Pioneer Generation Package. This includes information on their MediSave top-ups, which they will receive in July. This is the first benefit under the Pioneer Generation Package to be implemented.

2. The letters will also inform Pioneers of their eligibility for the Pioneer Generation Package which comprises the following lifetime benefits:

a. MediSave top-ups of $200 – $800 annually

b. Special subsidies for outpatient care:

i. Additional 50% off subsidised treatments at polyclinics and Specialist Outpatient Clinics;

ii. Special subsidies at General Practitioner (GP) clinics under the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS); and

iii. Cash of $1,200 a year for those with moderate to severe functional disabilities under the Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme.

c. MediShield Life premium subsidies of 40% – 60%

3. This year, about $210 million in MediSave top-ups will be disbursed to our Pioneers.

4. Pioneers will receive their Pioneer Generation cards by September. From 1 September 2014, they can use their cards to enjoy the special outpatient subsidies at CHAS clinics, polyclinics and Specialist Outpatient Clinics.

5. The MediShield Life premium subsidies will begin when MediShield Life is introduced in end-2015. Please see Annex A for the timeline of the Pioneer Generation benefits.

Appeals Panel

6. An Appeals Panel has been formed to look into appeals from those who marginally miss out on the criteria for the Pioneer Generation. The Appeals Panel will be chaired by Mr Timothy James de Souza, with Mr James Koh Cher Siang as Deputy Chairman. Please see Annex B for the list of Panel members.

7. The Appeals Panel will focus its efforts on those who marginally miss out on the citizenship attainment criterion (i.e. to have obtained citizenship by 31 December 1986) but who have lived in Singapore since the early years and demonstrated clear efforts to sink roots here. With regard to the age criterion, the Government has already adopted an inclusive approach by setting the age threshold at those who were 16 years old and above in 1965, younger than adulthood.

8. Mr de Souza, Chairman of the Panel, said, “The Panel pledges to be fair and consistent in our assessment of appeals. As our members come from different backgrounds, and have a diversity of experiences, we will be able to consider different perspectives for each appeal.”

9. To find out more details about the Pioneer Generation Package and appeals panel, Pioneers and their family members can visit, email, or call the Pioneer Generation hotline at 1800-2222-888.

About the Pioneer Generation Package

10. The Pioneer Generation Package was introduced to honour and thank our pioneers for their hard work and dedication. They have made Singapore what it is today. To be eligible for the Pioneer Generation Package, living Singapore citizens need to meet 2 criteria:

a. Aged 16 years and above in 1965 (born on or before 31 December 1949, i.e. aged 65 years and above in 2014), and

b. Received their citizenship by 31 December 1986.



Annex A: Timeline of Benefits


When will I get the benefits

What do I need to do?

Jun 2014

Eligible Pioneer Generation members receive notification letter

No action required now.

Letter automatically sent to your NRIC address.

Please keep your NRIC address updated.

Jul 2014

MediSave top-ups

No action required now.

Automatically credited to your Medisave.

If you don’t have a account, don’t worry. The Jun 2014 letter will tell you what to do.

Sep 2014

Pioneer Generation card sent to your home

Card automatically sent to your NRIC address by September.

Special subsidies at GP and dental clinics under CHAS(Community Health Assist Scheme)

Just bring your NRIC and Pioneer Generation card to the CHAS GP and dental clinics*.

Additional 50% off subsidised services at polyclinics

No action required now.

Automatically given at polyclinics.

Please bring your NRIC and Pioneer Generation card.

Additional 50% off subsidised services at Specialist Outpatient Clinics

No action required now.

Automatically given at Specialist Outpatient Clinics.

Please bring your NRIC and Pioneer Generation card.

Remember to see a doctor at the polyclinic or a GP under CHAS to get a referral for subsidised specialist care.

Disability Assistance of $1,200 a year for Pioneers with moderate to severe functional disabilities

You can apply for this after a functional disability assessment. Ministry of Health will provide more details.

Jan 2015

Additional 50% off subsidised drugs at subsidised Specialist Outpatient Clinics and polyclinics

No action required now.

Automatically given at Specialist Outpatient Clinics and polyclinics.

Please bring your NRIC and Pioneer Generation card.


Subsidies for MediShield Life insurance premiums

No action required now.

More information provided in the future.

* If you qualify under existing CHAS criteria, you could enrol first for current CHAS subsidies. You may pick up the CHAS form at any Restructured Hospital, Polyclinic, Community Centre and Club (CC) or Community Development Council (CDC), or download the form at


Annex B: Composition of Pioneer Generation Appeals Panel



Mr Timothy James de Souza


Member of Presidential Council of Minority Rights and Peoples’ Association Board and Trustee, Eurasian Association

Mr James Koh Cher Siang,  ???

Deputy Chairman

Chairman of the Housing and Development Board and the Governing Board for the Mechanobiology Research Centre of Excellence

Mrs Ho Woon Ho (Fong Foon Chun), ???


Former Principal, Nanyang Junior College, Former Vice-Principal, Hwa Chong JC and Former Principal, Henderson Secondary School

Mr Teo Yock Ngee, ???


Ex General Secretary, Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) and former NMP

Mr Yahya Bin Shaik Mohamed Aljaru


Justice of the Peace

Ms Animah Bte Abdul Gani


Registrar, Syariah Court

Mrs Deby Sarojiuy Pala Krishnan


Director, Care and Counselling, National Kidney Foundation

Mr Cheong Khim Teck, ???


Justice of the Peace and Honorary Chairman, Marsiling CCC

Mr Surjit Singh



Former Director of Properties and Facilities Management, National Library Board

Dr Ngiam Tong Tau,?????


Former CEO, AVA and former Director of Primary Production, MND