Older Singaporeans To Receive MediSave Top-Up
15 Sep 2010About 1.1 million older Singaporeans to benefit from MediSave Top-Up to be credited on 30 September 2010
1. About 1.1 million Singaporeans aged 50 and above will benefit from a one-off, top-up to their MediSave Accounts. This measure was announced in Budget 2010, and is aimed at helping older Singaporeans with their healthcare expenses. Eligible Singaporeans can expect to receive top-ups ranging from $200 to $500, with the higher amounts going to those who are older and less well-off. The top-ups will be credited on 30 September 2010. The table below shows the amount of top-ups they can receive.
2. The CPF Board will be sending letters to eligible Singaporeans from 15 September 2010 onwards to inform them of the amount of top-up they can receive. Singaporeans who are CPF members and those who had earlier signed up for the GST Credits, will receive the top-up automatically. They do not need to sign up again for the Medisave Top-Up.
3. Eligible Singaporeans who do not have CPF Accounts and have not signed up for their GST Credits are reminded to do so by 31 December 2010 to receive the MediSave Top-Up. They can check their eligibility and sign up via the GST website: www.gstoffset.gov.sg. Alternatively, they can also sign up by completing the GST sign-up form available at all Community Centres, Community Development Council offices or CPF Service Centres.
4. For further information, please visit www.cpf.gov.sg or call 1800-2222-888.
15 September 2010