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Launch of Budget 2017 Quiz

17 Jan 2017

Launch of Budget 2017 Quiz

How much do you know about the Singapore Budget?


What are some of the key pillars of the Industry Transformation Maps? What is the approval process for the Government to spend in each financial year?

2          These are some of the questions presented in the Budget 2017 Quiz. All members of the public are invited to participate in the Quiz, which will be launched on 17 January 2017 on the Budget 2017 website (

3          The Budget 2017 Quiz aims to increase public awareness and understanding of the annual budget process, as well as some measures announced at previous Budgets. It will run for three weeks, from Tuesday, 17 January 2017 to Monday, 6 February 2017, ahead of this year’s Budget Statement on Monday, 20 February 2017.

What do you stand to win?

4          Participants who complete the Budget 2017 Quiz and who register their details will be eligible for a final draw, where 50 winners will each receive a shopping voucher. There is no limit to the number of attempts for the Quiz. Each participant will be eligible for one chance at the draw.

5          Local schools are warmly encouraged to participate in the Budget 2017 Quiz. Secondary schools, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics, Centralised Institutes, and Institutes of Technical Education with the highest number of students participating in the Quiz will be awarded trophies.

6          Students who complete and register for the Budget 2017 Quiz will also be eligible for one chance in a draw, separate from the general public. 35 students will each win a shopping voucher (Annex A).



Issued by Ministry of Finance
17 January 2017


For media enquiries, please contact:

Ms Tricia Yeo
Tel: 6332 7336


Ms Karen Kwan

Tel: 6332 6354



Annex A

Prizes for Budget 2017 Quiz


Individual Prizes

Group Prizes

Participants who register as members of the public

50 shopping vouchers


Participants who register as students

35 shopping vouchers


Trophies awarded to:

· Top 3 Secondary Schools

· Top 3 Junior Colleges and Centralised Institutes

· Top Institute of Technical Education or Polytechnic