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Launch of Budget 2011 Feedback Exercise

01 Dec 2010

Share With Us Your Budget Wishlist

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) today launched the Budget 2011 website with a Feedback Exercise aimed at garnering the public' views ahead of Budget 2011. Through this exercise, MOF wants to engage Singaporeans and businesses on issues relating to public spending and get views on what can be included in the next Budget.

2. MOF is also organising an online Budget Quiz and a Budget Challenge with a parliamentary-styled debate to increase awareness of the Budget process and public financing issues.

Increased Focus on New Media Channels to REACH More Singaporeans

3. MOF, in partnership with REACH, invites contributions and suggestions on issues which the public feels are relevant for Budget 2011.  To extend the outreach, MOF and REACH have increased the available channels for the public to give their feedback, leveraging off new media tools like Facebook, Twitter, as well as discussion forums on REACH's budget microsite to garner feedback for the Budget. Members of the public can also submit their views through the following channels:

a. REACH Budget Microsite
b. REACH Singapore Facebook
c. REACH Singapore Twitter
d. Email (
e. SMS to 9-SPEAK-UP [9-77325-87]
f. Email
g. Toll-free Hotline at 1800 3535555
h. Mail to:
    REACH MCYS Building, #15-00,
    512 Thomson Road
    Singapore 298136

4. Both general feedback and suggestions on specific aspects of public expenditure are welcomed.

Budget Outreach Activities

5. MOF will also be organising the online Budget Quiz 2011 and the Budget Challenge 2011 to promote greater awareness of the Budget process and public financing issues amongst Singaporeans. Through these fun and interesting activities, we hope that Singaporeans will be more aware of the challenges and considerations that the Government faces in managing and allocating our finite resources.

a. Budget Quiz 2011
The Budget Quiz 2011 will consist of two sets of quizzes, each comprising questions on fiscal, economic, tax and social policies of the Singapore Government. The quizzes will be made available online at the Budget website from January 2011, and has no limits on the number of attempts participants can make. For each round of the quiz, there is one grand prize and four merit prizes to be given away to the top scorers.

b. Budget Challenge 2011
The Budget Challenge 2011 seeks to give participants a taste of what it is like to be a Member of Parliament. It allows participants to appreciate the "cut-and-thrust" of a parliamentary style debate on public policy and financing issues, as well as parliamentary procedures. Each team will represent a Ministry and propose policy initiatives to be debated in a Parliamentary setting during the Preliminary and Final rounds. The Budget Challenge is open to all junior college students and students in the last two years of their integrated programmes. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams.

6. More details of the feedback exercise and the Budget outreach activities are available at the Budget 2011 website.