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Press Releases

Calculate Your Budget Benefits On The Internet!

07 May 2002

For the first time ever, the Ministry of Finance offers an easy-to-use online calculator for Singaporeans to find out how much their family will get from the $4.1 billion GST offset package.

2 All you need to do is to enter how many adults there are in your family, and the kind of house you live in. The calculator will show you the number of Economic Restructuring Shares (ERS), Service & Conservancy Charges (S&CC) rebates and rental rebates your household will get over a 5-year period.

3 The Benefits Calculator can be found at the Budget 2002 website (

4 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lee Hsien Loong announced the GST offset package in his Budget Speech last Friday. The package also includes subsidies to offset additional GST on public healthcare, education and increases in Public Assistance and Singapore Allowance rates.

5 The Budget 2002 website contains the full Budget Speech delivered by DPM Lee, including all the details on the income tax changes, road tax changes, other changes in taxes, fees and charges, and the GST offset package. The public can download documents and brochures as well as give feedback on the Budget.