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Are you ready for Budget Quiz 2014? Challenge yourself to see how much you know about MOF and the annual budget!

04 Jan 2014
Do you know which sector forms the highest level of expenditure of the Government? Do you know when the Government’s Financial Year starts and ends?

2. These are just some of the questions that will be asked in Budget Quiz 2014, which begins on 9 January on the Budget 2014 website at

3. Organised by the Ministry of Finance, Budget Quiz 2014 aims to increase awareness and understanding of the annual budget process and the initiatives announced at the Budget. Covering themes ranging from the Budget process, economic, tax and social policies as well as resource management (e.g. policies on fiscal resources and reserves), three weekly quizzes will be held every Thursday on the Budget 2014 website, starting from 9 January 2014. Participants stand to win attractive prizes weekly if they answer all the questions correctly.

4. The three weekly quizzes will culminate in a Final Quiz, which will run from 30 January 2014 to 17 February 2014. Top scorers in the Final Quiz will stand a chance to win $100 worth of prizes each.

5. MOF is also actively reaching out to schools to encourage students’ participation in the Budget Quiz. Schools that achieve the highest scores in the Quiz will be awarded the Budget Challenge Trophy.

6. The Budget Quiz is open to all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents.