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Press Releases

800,000 HDB Households To Receive $35 Million Of U-Save Rebates In July

30 Jun 2011

About 800,000 Singaporean HDB households can expect to receive Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebates in July 2011. The rebates are part of the five-year GST Offset Package announced in 2007. The final tranche of U-Save rebates will be paid in January 2012.

2.      A Singaporean household may receive up to $90 in U-Save rebates in July 2011, depending on HDB flat type (the payment schedule of U-Save rebates for 2011 can be found in Annex A (icon_pdf98 KB) ):

Disbursement month

HDB flat type






Executive Flats

Jul 2011







Jan 2012







3.      The U-Save rebates in July are the third tranche for 2011. The rebates were enhanced in the 2011 Government Budget, and the enhancements will more than offset the annual increase in utilities bills due to the higher electricity and gas tariffs announced for the coming quarter. The total amount of U-Save rebates received by Singaporean households in 2011 will in fact offset more than 4 months of utilities bills for families living in 1- and 2-room flats; those living in all other HDB flats will benefit from at least 1 month’s offset of their utilities bills.

About U-Save rebates

4.       The U-Save rebates will be used to offset utilities charges directly. Unused U-Save rebates each month will be rolled over to the following months.

Whom the public can contact for more information

5.      For more information on U-Save rebates, the public can call SP Services at 1800-2222-333, or email