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Parliamentary Replies

Consideration of CDC Vouchers In Light of Persistent High Inflation Rates

03 Oct 2022

Parliamentary Question by Mr Ang Wei Neng:

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance in light of persistent high inflation rates in the last few months, whether the Ministry will consider (i) bringing the distribution of CDC vouchers forward to the third quarter of 2022 instead of January 2023 and (ii) issuing $100 CDC vouchers to every Singaporean aged more than 21 years old instead of to each household.

Parliamentary Reply by Senior Minister of State, Mr Chee Hong Tat:

To help Singaporean households with their daily expenses, the Government has disbursed two sets of CDC Vouchers worth $100 each in December 2021 and May 2022. These vouchers can be used at over 18,000 participating heartland merchants and hawkers until the end of this year. The vouchers have been well utilised. As of September 2022, about 97% and 87% of Singaporean households have claimed their Dec 2021 and May 2022 CDC Vouchers respectively. These households have utilised $180 million, which is about 80% of the total vouchers available to them.

Besides the CDC Vouchers, we have a mix of support measures given at the household and individual levels to help Singaporeans cope with inflation and cost of living concerns, with more help given to the lower-income and vulnerable groups. This financial year, a low-income couple with two young children living in a 3-room HDB flat can expect to receive about $3,700 in various forms of support, such as cash, education top-ups, utilities and S&CC rebates, and CDC vouchers.

The government understands Singaporeans’ concerns over rising prices. We are carefully monitoring the situation, and will consider if there is a need to provide more assistance, or bring forward some of the support schemes, especially if the situation worsens further.