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Parliamentary Replies

Strengthening The Framework for Public Sector Taking The Lead in Environmental Sustainability (PSTLES)

14 Apr 2014

Date: 14 April 2014

Parliamentary Question by Ms Faizah Jamal:

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance:

(a) what measures are in place to strengthen and reinforce the commitment to the Public Sector Taking The Lead in Environmental Sustainability (PSTLES) initiative, in particular in educating Government officers involved in procurements;

(b) what steps are in place to measure and record the commitment and observance by all Government agencies of the PSTLES initiative so far; and

(c) whether the Ministry will consider implementing PSTLES through a more systematic and compulsory green procurement policy as a way of keeping to Singapore's commitment to sustainability and in dealing with climate change.

Reply by DPM and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam:

In support of efforts to enhance environmental sustainability, the Public Sector has since 2006, put in place several environmental sustainability measures to promote recycling and efficient use of energy and water resources, including green procurement.  When evaluating tenders, agencies consider factors like energy efficiency or other green measures and cost-effectiveness over the entire period of use. For instance, all new office information and communication technology equipment are required to meet the latest international standards ie the ENERGY STAR standards.

We are also taking steps to green our public sector buildings.  New and existing large public sector buildings are required to achieve the Green Mark standards, which is the benchmark for environmentally sustainable buildings in Singapore. To date, 52 public sector buildings have received the Green Mark Platinum and GoldPLUS ratings which are the highest ratings for green buildings in Singapore. For example, buildings such as the National Library Building, Environment Building and Health Promotion Board Building, have all achieved Green Mark Platinum.

To strengthen public sector’s commitment to sustainability, we regularly review our standards. For example, now chiller plants in buildings have to achieve a higher energy efficiency level than previously, and this has translated to roughly 15% reduction in the building’s energy consumption

The Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, National Environment Agency and the Building and Construction Authority track government agencies’ progress under the PSTLES initiative, and also provide the necessary assistance to help agencies achieve the environmental sustainability standards.

We will continue to refine our PSTLES framework to ensure that the public sector upholds our strong commitment to environmental sustainability.