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Parliamentary Replies

Defining Pioneer Generation

21 Jan 2014

Date: 21 January 2014

Parliamentary Question by Mr Nicholas Fang:

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance what criteria will be used to define the Pioneer Generation who will be recognised through various measures and packages as announced in December 2013.

Reply by DPM and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam:

During the National Day Rally in 2013, the Prime Minister announced that the Government plans to honour our Pioneer Generation.

The Pioneer Generation is a special group of seniors who worked hard when we started out as a new nation, and laid the foundation for today’s Singapore. They paved the way for subsequent generations to live a better life. They are now in their golden years and it is timely for us to recognise their contributions and sacrifices.

We are currently developing a Pioneer Generation Package to honour this special group of elderly Singaporeans.

The Government has received several useful suggestions on how to define the Pioneer Generation. We have consulted different groups of Singaporeans to get more views. We continue to welcome suggestions on this issue through REACH or the MOF website.
The Government will provide details of how the Pioneer Generation is defined by the time of Budget 2014.