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Government pays GST for subsidised healthcare services

13 Nov 2021




我们谨此澄清,所有公共医疗机构提供的受津贴医疗服务,其消费税由政府承担。这包括受津贴病患在社区进行的洗肾治疗。 我们鼓励杨先生填写评估表格,以确定他是否符合资格获得津贴。

无论能否获得津贴,病患还可以使用终身健保(MediShield Life)和保健储蓄(MediSave)来减少治疗费用的自付额。



Farah Abdul Rahim


We refer to Mr Yang Chonghua’s letter (“Hope medical bills will be exempted from GST”, LHZB, 1 Nov) regarding GST on kidney dialysis treatment.

We would like to clarify that the Government absorbs GST on all publicly subsidised healthcare. This includes community dialysis treatment for subsidised patients.  

We encourage Mr Yang to complete the assessment form to determine his eligibility for subsidies.

Regardless of subsidy status, patients can also tap on MediShield Life and MediSave to reduce the out-of-pocket expenses for their treatment.

Ms Farah Abdul Rahim

Director, Communications and Engagement

Ministry of Finance