Speech by Mrs Josephine Teo, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport, at the NUS Business School Alumni Association (Bizad) Charity Run 2015
10 Jan 2015Date: 10 January 2015
Venue: NUS
Speaker: Mrs Josephine Teo
1. 2015 is a significant year for Singapore and also for NUS Business School
• For Singapore, 50 years of nation-building
• For NUS Biz School, 50 years of nurturing young Singaporean talents
2. Just as Singapore has been transformed, so has the school. Its humble beginnings trace back to the early 1960s. In 1961, the teaching of Business Administration was introduced under the Department of Economics at the then University of Singapore. Four years later, the Department of Business Administration was set up and the school welcomed its first cohort of just 24 students in 1966. Since then, the school has grown from strength to strength and groomed over 27,000 graduates.
3. From the time I was in NUS till now, Biz School has been and remains a top choice for students.
4. Not surprising because everywhere in Singapore, we see many BizAd alumni who are making valuable contributions, not only professionally but also to our broader society. For example, as leaders of their companies' CSR efforts, serving on the boards of public institutions or charities and providing pro bono services. Too many to name, and many are good friends.
5. Glad that the School has made it a point to cultivate a strong sense of community and that everyone can play a part to make a positive difference to the lives of fellow citizens. Since 2011, the Bizad Charity Run has been raising funds for financially-needy NUS Business School undergraduates, and to benefit the disadvantaged in society such as Assumption Pathway School. I'm told the Run has raised more than half a million dollars since inception, and more than $140,000 this year alone.
6. But more important than the funds raised is the spirit of making an effort to reach out and touch someone else's life. And for you to start the school’s 50th anniversary celebrations with the 5th Run, bringing together staff, faculty members, students and alumni, as well as the public to help those in need, is both meaningful and highly commendable.
7. It is this spirit that I hope we can strengthen, as the School celebrates your jubilee year and as Singaporeans collectively celebrate SG50. It is the spirit of setting aside time and energies for others even as we pursue our own goals, and a spirit of sharing what we have with others who have less.
8. Deep in my heart and in many of yours, Singapore is not perfect but a very special little red dot, a home to us like no other. Through efforts such as yours this evening, we can make this a better home for all.