Launch of MOF’s Budget Quiz 2020
15 Jan 2020
Launch of MOF’s Budget Quiz 2020
Annual Singapore Budget Quiz now into its tenth year
2. These are some of the questions presented in the Ministry of Finance’s Budget Quiz 2020. Now in its 10th year, the Quiz will be launched on Wednesday, 15 January 2020 on the Singapore Budget website
3. Besides an Open Category for public participants, there will be an Inter-School Challenge. Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges/Centralised Institutes, and Institutes of Technical Education/Polytechnics with the highest participation will be awarded challenge trophies.
4. The Budget Quiz will run from Wednesday, 15 January to Tuesday, 4 February 2020, ahead of this year’s Budget Statement, to be delivered on Tuesday, 18 February 2020 by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat.
5. Through the Budget Quiz, MOF seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of the annual budget process and of key national policies, and allow participants to appreciate the intricacies of policy-making in a simplified manner.
Subscribe to the Budget Statement
6. In addition to the Budget Quiz, interested members of public may visit the Singapore Budget website and subscribe to the Budget Statement mailing list to receive the full Budget Statement after it has been delivered, along with other Budget-related materials
7. Interested members of public can also receive relevant Budget announcements on mobile devices from Budget Day onwards through WhatsApp and Telegram by:
(a) Sending a WhatsApp message to 85307112 with your full name, number and the word “subscribe”.
(b) Joining MOF’s Telegram channel:
Ministry of Finance
15 January 2020