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Press Releases

Launch of Budget 2018 Quiz

19 Jan 2018


How much do you know about the Singapore Budget?


  1. What is the approval process for government spending in each financial year (FY)? As of FY2017, to what does the Government allocate the bulk of its expenditure on?


  1. These are some of the questions presented in MOF’s Budget 2018 Quiz. Now into its eighth year, the quiz will be launched on Friday, 19 January 2018 on the Budget website ( MOF invites all Singaporeans and Permanent Residents to participate in the Budget Quiz.


  1. Besides the Open Category, there is an inter-school challenge. Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges/Centralised Institutes, and Institutes of Technical Education/Polytechnics with the highest average score from their participating students will be awarded trophies. Students who complete and register for the Quiz will also stand to win vouchers.


  1. The Budget Quiz will run for two weeks, from 19 January to 1 February 2018, ahead of this year’s Budget Statement, to be delivered on Monday 19 February 2018 by the Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat.


  1. Through the Budget Quiz, MOF seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of the annual budget process and of key national policies, and expose participants to the intricacies of policy-making in a simplified manner.


Budget Statement Mailing List

  1. In addition to the Budget Quiz, interested members of public may visit the Singapore Budget website and subscribe to the Budget Statement mailing list to receive the full Budget Statement via email after it has been delivered. This free service will be available for sign up until 15 February 2018.