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Press Releases

Singapore Totalisator Board - Appointment of Two Board Members

29 Apr 2011

The Minister for Finance has appointed two new board members to the Singapore Totalisator Board (Tote Board). These appointments will take effect from 1 May 2011.

2.    The new board members are:

  • Mr Chan Heng Kee
    Permanent Secretary
    Ministry of Community Development, Youth & Sports
  • Brigadier-General Gary Ang Aik Hwang
    Deputy Secretary (Policy)
    Ministry of Defence

3.    A brief write-up of the new members is attached at Annex A (icon_pdf79 KB).

4.    The Ministry of Finance and Singapore Totalisator Board welcome the new Board members and would like to express their appreciation to Mr Niam Chiang Meng who has served six years in Tote Board and Major-General (NS) Chan Chun Sing who has resigned from Tote Board.

5.    The Board comprises 11 members and the current list of members is at Annex B (icon_pdf5 KB).