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Singapore Cooperation Enterprise Signs Agreement With Qatar Ministry Of Finance For Singapore Ministry Of Finance To Share Its Expertise

10 May 2007

Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) signs deal with the Qatar Ministry of Finance (QMOF) for the Singapore Ministry of Finance to provide assistance with the re-structuring and re-engineering of policies and systems in QMOF.

1. Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) and the Qatar Ministry of Finance (QMOF) signed an agreement today for the procurement of public sector expertise by QMOF from Singapore's Ministry of Finance (MOF) as part of a public finance restructuring and re-engineering project.

2. SCE is the primary vehicle established by Singapore's Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to partner public sector agencies in sharing their expertise with interested foreign parties. SCE has worked closely with MOF to understand the requirements of QMOF, and worked out a scope for collaboration with QMOF. SCE will be the project manager while MOF will provide professional advice to QMOF. MOF will share its expertise in managing Government budgetary, revenue and procurement issues, and advise QMOF on how they may adapt these practices to their context.

3. The agreement was signed by Mr Alphonsus Chia, Chief Executive Officer, SCE, and His Excellency Khalaf Ahmed Al Mannai, Undersecretary, QMOF. The signing ceremony was held in conjunction with a training attachment programme for 13 QMOF staff who are attached to the Singapore MOF to study and learn MOF's processes, as well as to gain an appreciation of the Singapore system.