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Press Releases

Sign Up For Last Tranche of GST Credits

01 Jun 2010

1.      The Government will be giving out the last tranche of GST credits on 1st July 2010 for all eligible Singaporeans who have already signed up or who sign up by 18 June 2010. Singaporeans can receive between $100 to $250 in GST Credits for 2010 if their Annual Assessable Income for Year of Assessment 2009 is not more than $100,000.

2.      Singaporeans who have yet to sign up for their GST Credits have until 31st Dec 2010 to do so. Those who do not sign up by 31st December 2010 will not be eligible for the last tranche of the GST Credits.

3.      Singaporeans who have already signed up need not do so again. Those who have not can do so via the following channels:

a) through the internet, at; or

b) by filling up the GST/1 form available at any CC, CDC or CPF Service Centre.

4.      All eligible Singaporeans would receive a letter from the CPF Board to notify them of the amount of GST Credits and Senior Citizens’ Bonus that they can get. They can also visit the website to check their sign-up status. Once they have signed up for their GST Credits, they will automatically receive their GST Credits and Senior Citizens’ Bonus based on the following schedule:

Deadline to Sign Up

Payment of 2010 GST Credits and Senior Citizens' Bonus

18 June 2010
(Forms & Online)

1 July 2010

31 December 2010
(Final deadline for those who
have not signed up to
receive 2010 payouts)

For signups after the June 2010 deadline, they will receive their GST Credits/Senior Citizens' Bonus credited to their bank account:
- Within 4 working days (for Online sign-up)
- Within 10 working days (using forms)

If they want to receive a cheque:
- Within 15 working days

5.      GST Credits and Senior Citizens’ Bonus are being paid out from 2007 to 2010 as part of the GST Offset Package announced in Budget 2007.

6.      For further information, please visit or or call 1800-2222-888.