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Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam to co-chair 2nd Russia-Singapore High-level Inter-Governmental Commission in Moscow and participate in Bergedorf Round Table in Berlin

08 Sep 2011

      Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam will visit Berlin and Moscow from 9 to 14 Sep 2011.

2.    In Moscow, DPM Tharman will Co-Chair the 2nd Russia-Singapore High-level Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Volodin from 13 to 14 Sep 2011. He will also have meetings with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Alexey Kudrin and other government leaders. He will be accompanied at the IGC by Minister of State for Trade and Industry and National Development Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Finance and Transport Josephine Teo, and officials from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Industry, Information, Communications and the Arts, and Finance; and from International Enterprise Singapore, the Infocomm Development Authority and other agencies.

3.    In Berlin over 9 to 12 Sep 2011, DPM Tharman will be speaking at the Bergedorf Round Table, at the invitation of the Körber ber Foundation. On the occasion of its 50th Anniversary, the Round Table will focus on the theme of "Rise of the New East: Europe and Asia in a New Global Order". Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr Angela Merkel and Federal President Christian Wulff will address the event. While in Berlin, DPM Tharman will have meetings with Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schaeuble, Federal Minister of Education & Research Annette Schavan and other Government leaders. DPM Tharman will be accompanied in Berlin by officials from the Ministries of Finance, Manpower and Foreign Affairs.