Commonwealth Finance Ministers' Meeting, 18-20 September 2005, Barbados; and The 2005 Annual Meetings of The Boards Of Governors Of The World Bank Group And The International Monetary Fund, 24-25 September 2005, Washington DC
16 Sep 2005Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister of State for Finance and Transport will attend the Commonwealth Finance Ministers' Meeting from 18-20 September 2005 in Barbados. The Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting will discuss issues concerning the current world economic situation and prospects as well as giving practical effect to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
After the Commonwealth Finance Ministers' Meeting, Mrs Lim will proceed to Washington DC to attend the 2005 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, from 24-25 September. The Annual Meetings will discuss issues concerning global economic development, poverty alleviation, and international financial stability.
Mrs Lim will be accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Finance and Monetary Authority of Singapore.