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Press Releases

CCDG Media Release: IASB Chairman Gives Keynote Address at Seminar on Accounting Standards and Corporate Governance

01 Apr 2003

1. Sir David Tweedie, Chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"), will be giving the keynote address at a seminar on "Update on IASB and Recent Developments in Accounting Standards, Auditor Independence and Corporate Governance in Singapore". The seminar will be held at the SGX Auditorium on 2 April 2003, from 9am to 12pm.

2. The seminar is organised by the Council on Corporate Disclosure and Governance ("CCDG") and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore ("ICPAS"). The seminar provides an opportunity for accountants, businessmen and academics in Singapore to interact with Sir David, and to learn more about the latest developments in accounting standards, auditor independence and corporate governance practices.


3. Sir David Tweedie is visiting Singapore together with Mr. Warren McGregor, IASB Board Member, from 1-3 April 2003. Besides participating at the seminar, the IASB representatives will be holding discussions with the Council and ICPAS on accounting matters. Please see Appendix for more information on Sir David and Mr McGregor.

Appendix: Background information on Sir David Tweedie and Mr. Warren McGregor.