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Press Releases

Appointment and Reappointment Of Members To The Board Of Inland Revenue Authority Of Singapore (“IRAS Board”)

31 Aug 2016

1. The Minister for Finance has appointed four new members to the Board of Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (“IRAS Board”) with effect from 1 September 2016.

2. The four new members are:

• Mr Adam Abdur Rahman
Managing Director
Head of Corporate Affairs
Citi Singapore and ASEAN

• Mr Ng Wai Choong
Chief Executive
Energy Market Authority

• Professor Sum Yee Loong
Professor of Accounting (Practice)
School of Accountancy
Singapore Management University

• Mr Tan Boon Gin
Chief Regulatory Officer
Singapore Exchange

3. A brief write-up of the new board members is attached at Annex A.

4. Four board members are also reappointed to the Board and the re-appointment will take effect from 1 September 2016.

• Mr Bob Tan
Jurong Engineering Ltd

• Mr Niam Chiang Meng
Media Development Authority

• Mrs Chng Sok Hui
Chief Financial Officer
DBS Group

• Dr Philip Pillai

4. The Ministry of Finance and the IRAS Board welcome the new Board members and would like to express their appreciation to Dr Lee Kwok Cheong, Mr Pek Hak Bin and Mr Pok Soy Yoong, who will retire from the Board after serving six years each.

5. The Board of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore comprises ten members, including the Chairman. The current list of members is at Annex B.