880,000 HDB Households to Receive GST Voucher – U-Save Rebate in October 2017
02 Oct 2017
About 880,000 Singaporean HDB households will receive the next instalment of the GST Voucher – Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebate in October 2017.
- The U-Save rebate is one of three components under the permanent GST Voucher scheme. The U-Save rebate helps HDB households offset part of their utilities bills, and serves to lower overall household expenses. It is distributed every three months. The U-Save rebate is expected to cost $265 million over four quarters, starting from July 2017.
- Annually, the permanent GST Voucher – U-Save rebate has enabled households in 1- and 2-room HDB flats to receive support which is equivalent to about 3 to 4 months of their utilities bills on average. Those living in 3- and 4-room HDB flats receive support equivalent to about 1 to 2 months of their utilities bills.
- In October 2017, eligible Singaporean households will each receive a GST Voucher – U-Save of up to $95, depending on their HDB flat type (see Table 1).
Table 1: GST Voucher – U-Save for October 2017
HDB Flat type |
Rebate given in Jul 2017 |
Rebate to be received in Oct 2017 |
Rebate to be received in Jan 2018 |
Rebate to be received in Apr 2018 |
Total rebate annually |
1- and 2-Room |
$95 | $95 | $95 | $95 | $380 |
3-Room | $85 | $85 | $85 | $85 | $340 |
4-Room | $75 | $75 | $75 | $75 | $300 |
5-Room | $65 | $65 | $65 | $65 | $260 |
Executive/Multi-Generation | $55 | $55 | $55 | $55 | $220 |
Note: Households whose members own more than one property are not eligible for the GST Voucher – U-Save.
For more information
- For more information on the GST Voucher – U-Save, members of the public can call SP Group at 6671-7117, or email customersupport@spgroup.com.sg. More information on the GST Voucher can also be found at www.gstvoucher.gov.sg.
Issued by:
Ministry of Finance
2 October 2017