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Press Releases

$64 Million Rebates For 700,000 HDB Households

26 Dec 2006

In the 2006 Budget Statement, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced a $2.6 billion Progress Package, which included, among other items, Service and Conservancy Charges (S&CC), rental and U-Save rebates to help lower-income households. As part of this Package, 700,000 Singaporean HDB households will receive up to 3 months of S&CC rebates, 2 months of rental rebates and $100 worth of Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebates in 2007. The rebates will cost the Government $64 million.

S&CC, Rental and U-Save Rebates

2. Over the past 5 years, the Government has given out a total of $340 million of S&CC and rental rebates and a total of $600 million of U-Save rebates.

3. The S&CC, rental and U-Save rebates will be given out in the following months. For the U-Save rebates, this is the second installment of the rebates in the Progress Package. The first installment was given out in July 2006. Households would have received between $30 and $100 in July 2006, and will receive another rebate of between $30 and $100 in January 2007, depending on their HDB flat type.


HDB Flat Type






S&CC Waiver
(No. of months)

1 (Jan)
1 (Mar)
0.5 (Jun)
0.5 (Sep)

0.5 (Jan)
0.5 (March)
0.5 (Jun)
0.5 (Sep)

0.5 (Jan)

0.5 (Jun)

0.5 (Jan)

0.5 (Jun)

0.5 (Jan)


Total: 3

Total: 2

Total: 1

Total: 1

Total: 0.5

Rental Waiver
(No. of months)

0.5 (Jan)
0.5 (March)
0.5 (Jun)
0.5 (Sep)

0.5 (Jan)

0.5 (Jun)





Total: 2

Total: 1


U-Save Rebates

$100 (Jan)

$100 (Jan)

$50 (Jan)

$40 (Jan)

$30 (Jan)

4. MND and HDB will be sending notification letters to all eligible households in December 2006 to inform them of their S&CC and rental rebates respectively. SP Services will also notify all eligible households of their U-Save rebates for their January bill.

5. For more information, the public can call HDB at 1800-2255-432 on S&CC and rental rebates, and SP Services at 1800-2222-333 on U-Save rebates.