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Press Releases

$45 million Edusave Top-ups for Singaporean Students

19 Aug 2005

The Government has deposited $100 into the Edusave account of every Singaporean student below 16 years of age as at 1 January 2005, who is studying in primary school, secondary school, special education school or ITE. The total cost to the Government is $45 million. The top-ups were made on 17 August 2005.

2. The Edusave Scheme provides students and schools with funds for enrichment programmes. The Prime Minister first announced the Edusave top-ups in February this year.

3. Starting from this year, the Government has also increased its annual contribution to the Edusave accounts of eligible students from $160 per primary and secondary school student, to $170 and $200 per primary and secondary school student respectively.

4. Students who become Singapore citizens between August and December this year will receive the $100 top-up in December 2005.

5. For enquiries on Edusave account balances, please call the Edusave Phone Enquiry System (EPES) Hotline at Tel. 6260 0777 from 8am to 10pm daily except Sundays and Public Holidays.