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Press Releases

2004 Public Consultation on Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements

30 Jun 2004

The Ministry of Finance is launching a public consultation exercise on Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs), which will take place from 1 July to 31 July 2004.

2.MOF will conduct an annual review of the DTAs in our DTA network. Every year, DTAs with 10-15 countries will be selected for public consultation. These consultations are intended to seek feedback from companies and individual taxpayers with transactions abroad on areas in the DTAs that can be improved to better meet their needs.

3.To start off the DTA consultations, MOF is seeking comments on our initial list of countries identified for review, comprising Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and the US. Comments are also sought on the countries for which upcoming DTA negotiations have been arranged, namely Canada, China, Thailand and Ukraine.

4.In addition, members of the public are welcome to give their feedback on our current network of DTAs and make representations on other DTAs which should be initiated or reviewed. The feedback obtained will enable the Government to ensure that our treaties remain relevant.

5.For further details please refer to the Ministry of Finance homepage at The Consultation Paper will be available on the website from 1 July 2004. Submissions should be written in the prescribed format, and should be emailed to, faxed to 6337-4134, or addressed to:

DTA Consultation
Ministry of Finance
100 High Street, #10-01
The Treasury
Singapore 179434

6. The Ministry requests that all comments be submitted by 31 July 2004.