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2.5 Million Singaporeans To Receive Letters On How Much They Will Receive from 'Grow & Share' Package

05 Apr 2011

1.        2.5 million Singaporeans will receive letters from the Government from 5 April 2011 onwards, to inform them of the amount of Growth Dividends, CPF Medisave Top-ups, Workfare and Personal Income Tax rebates they will individually receive this year. The letter will also contain information on other household benefits they will receive from Budget 2011. Majority of Singaporeans will receive their letters by end of this week. Further information on 'Grow & Share', including a calculator that will enable Singaporeans to know how much household benefits they should receive, is available on or by calling 1800 2222 888.

2.        The 'Grow & Share' Package, together with other benefits in Budget 2011, will help Singaporeans cope with higher costs of living this year. Most lower- and middle-income Singaporean households will receive benefits that are much larger than the increase in the cost of their household baskets this year.

3          A typical lower-income two generation household living in a 3-room HDB flat will receive benefits of about $3,500, which is significantly more than the cost increases they are expected to face. This is true also for a typical middle-income three-generation household living in a 5-room HDB, who will receive benefits of about $4,000. (See Annex A (icon_pdf150 KB))

Singaporeans to receive $2 billion in Growth Dividends and CPF Medisave Top-ups on 1 May 2011

4.        On 1 May, Singaporeans will receive their Growth Dividends and CPF Medisave Top-ups. The 97% of Singaporeans who have previously signed up for the GST Credits will automatically receive these payouts. Those who have not signed up can do so via the following channels to receive their payouts on 1 May:

(a)   Online: (signup before 19 April); or
(b)   'Grow & Share' form: Available at any CC, CDC or CPF Service Centre (sign-up before 13 April).

5.         Those who sign up after these dates will get their payouts after 1 May. Singaporeans have until 31 December 2011 to sign up.

6          Those who wish to donate their Growth Dividends to a charity of their choice can do so via the 'Grow & Share' website.