Use of GST Voucher U-Save to Pay for Other Living Expenses
10 Jan 2024Parliamentary Question by Mr Gan Thiam Poh:
To ask the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance (a) whether the Ministry will allow households to utilise their GST U-Save vouchers to pay for other living expenses, such as their monthly service and conservancy charges; and (b) if not, why not.
Parliamentary Reply by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr Lawrence Wong:
U-Save rebates are meant to offset households’ utilities expenses. U-Save rebates have no expiry date, and unutilised rebates can be rolled over to offset future utilities expenses.
For service and conservancy charges (S&CC), eligible households receive the GST Voucher – S&CC rebates, which offset between 1.5 and 3.5 months of S&CC each year.
The Government has a range of support measures to help Singaporeans with their living expenses. These include the upcoming Assurance Package (AP) Cash and AP Cash Special Payment of $200 to $800 which all adult Singaporeans have received in December 2023, and $500 CDC Vouchers which all Singaporean households will receive in January 2024.