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Parliamentary Replies

Government E-Transactions in AGO Report

09 Jan 2023

Parliamentary Question by Ms Ng Ling Ling: 

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance (a) what is the level of electronic audit capability within the Auditor-General's Office (AGO) to ensure that Government e-transactions with residents are processed accurately; and (b) will there be specific sections in the AGO’s report providing audit review findings on Government-related e-transactions for greater accountability and assurance to the public.

Parliamentary Reply by Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister for Finance Mr Lawrence Wong:

            AGO has enhanced its data analytics capabilities and is able to review large volumes of financial data in public sector agencies, to ensure that their financial transactions with businesses and individuals are processed and recorded correctly. AGO also audits controls of IT systems in relation to the financial accounts and electronic financial transactions of public sector agencies.

AGO uses a risk-based approach to identify the agencies and areas to audit each year. This includes electronic transactions, such as the processing of electronic invoices and payments to Government suppliers, and electronic fees and payments made by the public. The key findings are highlighted in AGO’s annual report.