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Parliamentary Replies

Government Agencies' Expenditure on Management Consultancy Services

05 Jul 2023

Parliamentary Question by Mr Chua Kheng Wee Louis:

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance (a) how much has (i) Ministries and (ii) statutory boards spent on management consultancy services in each of the last five years; and (b) what is the nature of the consultancy services provided.

Parliamentary Reply by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong:

From CY18 to CY22, Ministries and Statutory Boards procured consultancy services worth about $125 million and $145 million respectively per year on average. These make up about 1% of total annual government procurement value. These figures include consultancies for design services and feasibility studies for construction projects, consultancies for the development and implementation of IT systems, consultancies for environmental studies, consultancies for organisational improvements, and other types of consultancy services.

We do not have a breakdown for how many of these consultancy contracts were for management consultancies.