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Parliamentary Replies

Debarment Action against Parties Involved in Case where LTA Deputy Group Director was Convicted of Receiving $1.24 million in Bribes

13 Sep 2021

Parliamentary Question by Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song:

To ask the Minister for Finance regarding the case of the former LTA deputy group director convicted of receiving $1.24 million in bribes (a) whether the Standing Committee on Debarment (SCOD) has received any recommendations from CPIB for debarment action against parties involved in this corruption case; (b) if so, whether SCOD has made any decision to debar any party and the respective periods of debarment; and (c) if not, whether SCOD will proactively request for CPIB to make recommendations for debarment.

Parliamentary Reply by Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong:

Debarment is an administrative procedure to protect the Government’s interests as a buyer, against those who have caused direct harm or losses.  Where corruption is involved, CPIB can recommend to the Standing Committee on Debarment (SCOD) to take administrative action after a court decision which establishes that a contractor or any of its employees, directors, partners or its sole proprietor had bribed a public sector officer or another person, in connection with a government agency or contract.

Regarding the case of the former LTA deputy group director convicted of receiving bribes, CPIB has submitted its recommendations to SCOD relating to parties who have been convicted . SCOD is currently reviewing CPIB’s recommendations before making its decision.