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Parliamentary Replies

Data on Assessable Income for Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Foreigners Breakdown by Amount of Personal Income Tax in Past 30 Years

10 Jan 2022

Parliamentary Question by Mr Leong Mun Wai:

To ask the Minister for Finance whether the Ministry can provide data, as an annual time series, on the respective amounts of assessable income for (i) Singapore citizens, (ii) permanent residents, and (iii) foreigners, with a breakdown by amount of personal income tax paid by each of these three categories, for the past 30 years.

Parliamentary Reply by Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong:

The requested information spans three decades, and we are unable to provide such a long time series of data.  But for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2021, Singapore Citizens accounted for about 61% of total assessable income (AI), and contributed about 51% of total Personal Income Tax (PIT). Permanent Residents accounted for about 15% of total AI and contributed about 17% of total PIT. Foreigners accounted for about 24% of AI and contributed about 32% of PIT.