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Help Aplenty To Future-Proof Jobs

27 Mar 2017

As the pace of economic change heats up, efforts to help Singaporeans adapt have intensified, too.

More measures to equip people with skills for the future and help match them with good jobs were announced this year. Here are several.


More than $100 million has been earmarked for two new schemes to prepare workers for companies' expansion overseas.

The first, called the Global Innovation Alliance, helps Singaporeans gain experience abroad and work with foreign partners.

Students from local universities will benefit from internships in global start-ups through the Innovators Academy.

Firms will also get funds to groom leaders from the SkillsFuture Leadership Development Initiative, through which they can send promising staff on specialised courses and overseas postings.


A new type of diploma will be launched for Institute of Technical Education students who are working and studying under the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn programme.

It aims to enable those in technical trades to take on larger roles, and will start off in sectors such as security systems engineering, rehabilitation therapy, design and supervision.


Targeted at industries where growth prospects are good but businesses have not started actively hiring, this new scheme will allow workers to do attachments in companies to learn the ropes.

They will receive a training allowance, and can be placed in jobs in that sector later on, when hiring picks up.

The scheme will be rolled out first in the logistics industry, and may expand to healthcare, infocomm and biologics.


People who have been out of work for a long period can tap the Career Support Programme or the Work-Trial programme to find new jobs.

Both will be enhanced to provide more support. The Professional Conversion Programme, which helps people to change careers or jobs, will also be improved to encourage employers to place workers in mid-level roles rather than only entry-level ones.


The national Jobs Bank, a job search portal launched in 2014, will be integrated into the Individual Learning Portfolio, which will be rolled out in stages from this year.

This new portal will consolidate skills upgrading and employment opportunities, so that it is easier for workers to plan their careers.

Joanna Seow

Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.