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880,000 HDB Households To Benefit From S&CC Rebates

31 Mar 2017

Fabian Koh

Around 880,000 HDB households will receive $120 million worth of rebates for service and conservancy charges (S&CC) in financial year 2017.

The rebate, aimed at providing additional support to households, was announced during the Budget speech last month.

Each eligible household will receive a rebate of 11/2 to 31/2 months, depending on the flat type. Those eligible will receive more details in a letter from today.

To be disbursed over next month, July and October, and January next year, the rebates will be used to offset S&CC payments directly.

For households that pay via Giro, town councils will make the necessary arrangements with banks.

Residents seeking more information on their S&CC payment and account status can contact their respective town councils, or the inquiries line on 1800-866-3078. The line is open from Mondays to Fridays, between 8.30am and 5pm.

Residents can also e-mail regarding their rebate eligibility.

Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.