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Forum Replies

No Need for Appeal for GST Voucher for Those Who Hold Properties in a Fiduciary Capacity

04 Jan 2014

We refer to Mdm Lum Sok Kuan’s query (“A discussion about the disbursement of GST Voucher”, LHZB, 25 Dec 2013) on whether individuals who hold additional properties in fiduciary capacity would have to appeal every year for their allotment of the GST Voucher (GSTV).

Individuals who own more than one property are not eligible for GSTV. However, this does not apply to a person who holds a property in a fiduciary capacity because he or she does not benefit personally from the property.

When the GSTV scheme was introduced in 2012, due to ongoing data system changes, we could not automatically differentiate between Singaporeans who own a second property for themselves from those who own a second property in a fiduciary capacity. Manual adjustments were done so that all individuals who hold property in a fiduciary capacity would have their 2012 and 2013 GSTV allotments reviewed, and payment made by mid-Jan 2014.  There is no need to appeal for the allotment. From 2014 onwards, they will receive their GSTV allotments automatically as the system changes have been completed.  We have also contacted Mdm Lum to explain the matter to her.

Members of the public who have queries on the GSTV scheme can contact the CPF Board through email at, or via the phone at 1800-2222-888, and do not need to visit the CPF Board personally.

Lim Bee Khim (Ms)
Director, Corporate Communications
Ministry of Finance