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Forum Replies

GST Voucher Criteria Set To Target Those Who Need It The Most

25 Jun 2013

Mr Li Feng Yin (“Queries on the GST Voucher Scheme”, 20 June 2013) had asked why the income criterion for the GST Voucher – Cash is set at $24,000.
The GST Voucher is targeted at less well-off Singaporeans. The $24,000 income criterion enables the bottom 40% of Singaporean workers, as well as retirees and the unemployed, to benefit from the annual cash payments. This criterion, together with the criterion on the Annual Value of the home, ensures that the GST Voucher – Cash is targeted at those who require the most help with meeting their immediate needs.
We seek Mr Li’s understanding that any national Government payout scheme requires an approximate way of distinguishing citizens with greater needs. Singaporeans facing extenuating circumstances can apply to the CPF Board at to take into account their income situation. Their applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. We will also continue to review the criteria from time to time, and where necessary refine them to ensure that the GST Voucher reaches those who need it the most.

Lim Bee Khim
Director Corporate Communications
Ministry of Finance